12 May 2008


I've been meaning to post a link to the winning entry of the Modern Love College Essay Contest held by The New York Times.

Want to Be My Boyfriend? Please Define

Apparently, The New York Times received 1,200 essays from 365 schools in 46 states and Puerto Rico, including mine. Here is an excerpt:

Later, you find yourself in a LDR with A Real Catch who rolls his own Gauloises cigarettes and drinks mate. He writes you five-page letters from medical school. He writes you beautiful emails. This is before people are using Skype. Before long-distance lovers are checking in with each other via video calls. Pixel-perfect 1280-by-800 resolution. This is before your monthly expenses consist of cigarettes, Skype Credit, and airplane tickets. No more mixtapes and postage stamps. In any case, your LDR lasts about eight months.

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